Today, I met with a guy named Clayton on Tinder. He and I had been texting/messaging for a while and finally decided to meet up today. He was SO cute. He gave me several, including shooting and swimming but I decided to let him take me out to Johnson's Creek on the UTV. I told Paige, Mom, and Katie where I was going & then headed out to meet him at his house. He lives out by Eagle & Beacon Light.
As I was driving out, I was very nervous. I don't think I would ever tell him but I almost turned around because I was so scared. Meeting someone on Tinder is always weird. What if he is a murderer?!
So, I get to his place, wearing my boots, shorts & "drinks well with others" tank top. When I get out, I was greeted by Sammie, the sweetest pit/lab mix I've ever met. Then we walked up, wearing shorts and a D&B t-shirt with a hat & aviators. As I introduced myself, I said in my head, "Oh my God... he is so much cuter than he was in his profile... there is no way he will be into me."
So he had the trailer hooked up & cooler full of beer. We were to ready to roll. We drove out to Little Gem talked about fighting people in our past & downed our first beer. With some liquid courage, I was ready to initiate flirt. We drove for about 30 minutes before we stopped... No. Cell. Service. It was then I told him now would be the time to kill me. He ensured me he would have done it by now. I look around & sized up the situation before I laughed it off.
Before I knew it, we were down a couple more beers and ended up at the Triangle. I could not believe the great conversation we were having: Navy (ugh, the NAVY <3 ), being "Momma's" kid, fighting, adventures. The whole nine yards. At the Triangle, the bartender told me she knew I was over 21 "because she had served me before" and Clayton was "WAY" older than me. LOL.
We talked and drank another beer & then headed back as we were supposed to meet Cassey & Paige at the movies. On our way back, I was waaaaaaay too tipsy so I asked if we could pull over to jump in the river. We hiked down to the water & he told me some bullshit story about "Harper's Trail," which is the dirt path we followed to the water. He's so ridiculous... but he makes me smile... and blush. God. He's so handsome.
As we sat in the river, we talked about trips. Face Rock. Boston. Family and more. We talked about exes and how we want to be independent but independent with someone. We agreed with literally everything. He look so hot in the water. I wish he would kiss me.
Eventually, I told him I was too cold ad was ready to leave. We hike back to the UTV to get to his truck (which is awesome by the way) so we can make it to the movies. As we make it back to the truck, we have effectively missed the move and I had 57 text messages from everyone making sure he didn't kill me.
I call Cassey and Paige and Clayton says they can come over for a movie on the barn and a bonfire. (Are you kidding me?!) They, say no... so it's just him and me. I'm certain by this time he is just being nice and he isn't interesting . There is no way he hasn't kissed me, touched me, said much if he isn't into me, right? He has said some flirty things but that's just to be nice as I have flirted, touched his arm, nudged him, grabbed him for balance... he isn't sending anything that says he is into it so don't get excited....
Then we were sitting there eating dinner THAT HE MADE (damn delicious) and he started flirting a little more. He asked what I wanted to do. He mentioned he could make a bonfire and I sure as shit wasn't ready to leave. He made the fire, we played with Sammie and Riggins. and just talked for hours. Finally, he admitted he wasn't sure what is "acceptable" on the first Tinder date.
I told him, "Well, I feel like if you want to say something, then say it. And if you want to do something... then do it." Shortly after, he FINALLY kissed me. And Oh.. My.. God.. It was worth the wait. As he kissed me, I felt this crazy chemistry that I've never felt before. After a few kisses, I told him I needed to leave before I sent the wrong message. He told me he respected that and he liked it. Believe me: I would have thrown down that night. Ugh. So much tension... I seriously have never felt like that after a first kiss.
I could have kissed him all night. So, I jump up from the fire and tell him I needed to leave. He jumped up and said, "Glad we are on the same page." LOL
As he was walking me to my car, he open the door (as he always does), I kissed him goodbye... and my car doesn't start. When I jumped in the river, I had my keys in my pocket and now my fob doesn't work. #great So now, with all this tension between us, I have to call someone to bring me a spare. So now I have to wait with him until my key gets there... ugh. It was torture.
After I called Mom at 11:45 to get Randi's number because my phone was dead, I call Randi and she is freaking out about where I am. She promises to bring my key in about 30 minutes... I wouldn't last that long. So Clayton decides he will take me home, grab my key, and take me back to his house to get my car.
On the ride to my apartment, we discovered we both love accents. He joked he could get me going with a Jersey accent... ;) We walked in and Paisley wanted NOTHING to do with him as usual with strangers. I grabbed my key and we headed back to his house. I kissed him goodbye and promised to see him soon. When I went to get in my car, he pulled my hand and pulled me in for several more kisses. "Just a couple more for the road."
I let him know I got home safely and he told me good night. That was the first time in a long time that I couldn't stop smiling to fall asleep. He is so damn cute...
- Karen